AACR2 atau RDA

RDA ( Resource Description and Access) adalah satu set bahan yang menginstruksikan untuk pembuatan katalog pada koleksi perpustakaan. RDA juga merupakan revisi dari AACR2 (Anglo-American Cataloging Rules) yang diterbitkan pada awal musim panas 2010.

RDA sudah diimplikasikan di berbagai

perpustakaan di dunia seperti AS, Inggris, Prancis, Selandia Baru dan Jerman menyusul.

Adapun perbedaan-perbedaan dalam aturan AACR dan RDA.



Part I – Description1. general Rules for Description 2. Books, Pamphlets, and Printed Sheets 3. Cartographic Materials 4. Manuscripts 5. Music 6. Sound Recordings 7. Motion Pictures and Videorecordings 8. Graphic Materials 9. Electronic Resources 10. Three-Dimensional Artefacts and Realia 11. Microforms 12. Continuing Resources 13. Analysis

Part II – Headings, Uniform Titles, and References 21. Choice of Access Points 22. Headings for Persons 23. Geographic Names 24. Headings for Corporate Bodies 25. Uniform Titles 26. References


  1. Description
  2. attributes of FRBR entities
  3. types of content and carrier
  4. mode of issuance
  5. type of description
  6. Access
  7. FRBR relationships
  8. attributes of FRAD entities
  9. FRAD relationships
  10. subject relationships*

Level Pendeskripsian
  1. AACR2 first level of description
  2. title proper
  3. first statement of responsibility
  4. edition statement
  5. material specific details
  6. first publisher, etc.
  7. date of publication, etc.
  8. extent of item
  9. notes
  10. standard number

  1. RDA core elements
  2. title proper
  3. first statement of responsibility
  4. designation of edition
  5. designation of a named revision of an edition
  6. numbering of serials
  7. scale of cartographic content
  8. first place of publication
  9. first publisher’s name
  10. date of publication
  11. title proper of series/susbseries
  12. numbering within series/subseries
  13. identifier for the manifestation
  14. carrier type
  15. extent

1. Attributes of Manifestation and Item
2. Attributes of Work and Expression
3. Attributes of Person, Family, and Corporate Body
4. Attributes of Concept*, Object*, Event*, and Place
Hubungan FRBR/FRAD
5. Primary Relationships
6. Relationships to Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies Associated with a Resource
7. Subject Relationships*
8. Relationships between Works, Expressions, Manifestations, and Items
9. Relationships between Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies
10. Relationships between Concepts*, Objects*, Events*, and Places*
